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What's New?

The 2014-2015 school year at Hope Christian Academy was a momentous one. There were a record number of new students enrolled throughout the year, with a new elementary class beginning in January. With the formation of the elementary class, Rebecca lost her notoriety as the only female student at Hope, and she was thrilled with that change!


While the students at Hope continued their academic pursuits they also struck out into the community in many different ways. The entire student body went on various field trips that gave them a taste of different work environments. From Boeing Aeronautics to Publix Grocery Store, to the Columbia City Police Department, our students learned about different jobs and training required in each setting to fulfill those jobs. High school students participated in a variety of internships to attain even more first hand experience in job settings. 


In Review

The students at Hope enjoyed interaction with many who volunteered in our classrooms. Mrs. Sara Dent led a story time hour for elementary students while Pastor Philip Turner led weekly Bible study and fellowship time with the high school boyd. And a monthly favorite, the USC cheerleaders came for lunch and conversation throughout the year. 


As people give to the students at Hope in so many ways, we make an effort every year to give back to our community. This year we volunteered at Epworth Children's Home. 

For the two families who began Hope Christian Academy eight years ago, this year was an especially memorable one. Hughes and Jackson celebrated their high school graduation in May with many family members and friends. Even while celebrating this milestone founding members of Hope were looking to the future. While goals have been met for Jackson, Hughes, and Rebecca, we have a new generation of students at Hope. We ask you to continue to share your time, talents and gifts with them. You are the reason that our students can look to the future and achieve the goals they set. 

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